JLedgerJLense is distributed with a simple business accounting application named JLedger. The JLedger application serves as an example of how to use the JLense framework. JLedger's design is based on the book "Teach Yourself Accounting in 24 Hours" by Carol Costa and C. Wesley Addison, Alpha Publishing. It is important for the JLense project to develop a full-featured application as part of it's development process in order to insure that the JLense framework design is capable of being used for the development of sophisticated, real-world applications, not just application prototypes or demos. The JLedger application gives the JLense community a good opportunity to demostrate just that. The JLedger application is also a good example of the kind of application to which JLense framework is targeted. JLedger is a multi-tiered application. It is comprised of a server-side accounting engine and a client-side GUI. Both the accounting engine and the GUI tier are built with JLense. The server-side accounting engine demonstrates the org.jlense.zone.j2ee plugin and associated extension points. The client-side GUI workbench demostrates the use of many extension points from many plugins. Starting and Stopping the JLedger ServerTo start the JLedger server issue the following command from the startup directory: start-jledger-server Currently the only way to shutdown the Jledger server is to press Ctrl-C. This isn't as bad as it sounds though, the server will still shut down cleanly. Starting the JLedger WorkbenchTo start the JLedger GUI Workbench issue the following command from the startup directory: bin\start-jledger-workbench In order to use the JLedger Workbench the JLedger server must already be running. |