The Basics
Extension Point Reference
The typical Java application is run by invoking the 'main' method of a Java class.
All JLense applications, however, are launched by the JLense launcher. This is
because JLense applications run inside the core runtime environment.
It is the core environment that controls everything, not your application.
To run a JLense application run the org.jlense.startup.JLenseMain from the
startup directory something like this:
java -cp startup.jar;classes \
org.jlense.startup.JLenseMain \
-data ../workspace/org.jlense.examples \
-application org.jlense.uiworks.workbench [application-args]
Here is an explanation of the options used above:
-cp startup.jar;classes
This specifies the class path to be used by java. All that java needs on the
class path in order to start a JLense application is startup.jar (which
contains the classes for the Eclipse application launcher) and the
starup/classes directory (which contains the org.jlense.startup.JLenseMain class,
a thin wrapper around the Eclipse application launcher). Any other classes
required by a JLense application must be packaged as plugins. All plugin classes
are managed by the core runtime environment and are made available to an
application by the core runtime environment when appropriate.
The class name of the JLense launcher.
-data <workspace-location>
Sets the workspace location. A workspace is a directory used by the JLense platform
for saving local data. For instance, the application log, local preference setting,
and GUI state are all saved in this location. The workspace name is relative to
startup directory. By convention all workspaces are created under the workspace
directory. It is usually a good idea to choose a workspace name that matches your
application ID.
- -application <application-id> [<application-args>]
The identifier of the application to run and optional arguments to pass to the application.
Applications are registered with the platform runtime by declaring them in an
org.eclipse.core.runtime.applications extension.